103.1. 每當某張牌的文字敘述牴觸遊戲規則時,以牌上的敘述為優先。這張牌只能在該特殊狀況下取代其所牴觸的規則。唯二的例外是規則100,「一般規則」與規則101,「開始遊戲」。這兩條規則不會被牌上的規則所蓋過,並且不論牌上的規則為何,均會隨時生效。
103.2. 當某個效應說你能做某事,而另一個效應說你不能做某事,則以「不能」的效應為優先。例如,若某效應註記著「你本回合可以額外使用一個地」,而另一個效應註記著「你本回合不能使用地」,則以使你不能使用地的效應為優先。請注意,讓某物件添加異能,以及讓某物件失去異能此兩者均不適用此規則。請參見規則407,「加入及移除異能」。
103.3. 若任何指示要求作出不可能的動作時,則省略該動作。(通常來說,牌上會特別提出此情況的處置方法;如果沒有的話,它便純粹不產生效應。)
103.4. 若雙方需要同時採取動作,則先由主動玩家(輪到他的回合之玩家)作決定,再由非主動玩家作決定;之後這些動作同時發生。此規則的別名為「主動玩家先決定(APNAP)」規則。
402.6. 一旦起動或觸發了異能,它便從它的來源分離,而成為堆疊上的異能。即使在此之後消滅或移除其來源,也不會影響此異能。請注意,有些異能是讓其來源執行某事(例:「放蕩的術士對目標生物或玩家造成1點傷害」),而不是異能本身直接執行某事。在這種情況下,若起動式或觸發式異能提到其來源特性,便會在結算時檢查之;若結算時來源不在場,則檢查其已知的最後資訊。
版主: 間尺
優先權?就是「使用咒語或異能的優先權」的簡稱!無此優先權你連橫置地取mana 也不行!
優先權?就是「使用咒語或異能的優先權」的簡稱!無此優先權你連橫置地取mana 也不行!
Ante (Obsolete)
Earlier versions of the Magic rules included an ante rule as a way of playing 「for keeps.」 Playing Magic games for ante is now considered an optional variation on the game, and it is allowed only where it』s not forbidden by law or by other rules. Playing for ante is strictly forbidden under DCI tournament rules. When using the ante rule, each player puts one random card from his or her deck into his or her ante zone at the beginning of the game. At the end of the game, the winner becomes the owner of the cards in each player』s ante zone. See rule 217.9, 「Ante.」
Bury (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「bury,」 which meant to put a permanent into its owner』s graveyard. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「bury」 now read, 「Destroy [a permanent]. It can』t be regenerated.」
Cast (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「cast」 to describe the playing of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「cast」 now use the term 「play.」
Caster (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「caster」 to describe the player who played a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「caster」 now refer to the object』s 「controller.」
Casting Cost (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「casting cost」 to describe the mana cost of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「casting cost」 now use the term 「mana cost.」 Cards that used the term 「total casting cost」 now use the term 「converted mana cost.」
Continuous Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「continuous artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts without activated abilities. Cards that were printed with the term 「continuous artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Counts As (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with text stating that the card 「counts as」 something. As far as the game rules and other cards are concerned the card is that thing. (Newer Magic cards use 「is」 instead.
During (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the phrase 「during [phase], [action].」 These abilities were called 「phase abilities. In general, cards that were printed with phase abilities now have abilities that trigger at the beginning of a step or phase. 「During」 still appears in current card text, but only in its normal English sense and not as game terminology.
Interrupt (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「interrupt」 on the card』s type line. All interrupt cards are now instant cards. All abilities that were played as interrupts are now played like normal activated abilities (and are mana abilities if they produce mana).
Islandhome (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term islandhome, which means 「This creature can』t attack unless the defending player controls an Island」 and 「When you control no Islands, sacrifice this creature.」 Cards that previously had islandhome now simply have the two parts of islandhome written out without using the keyword.
Legend (Obsolete)
Many creature cards were printed with the creature type 「Legend.」 All of these cards have been given errata to have the legendary supertype. Legend is no longer a creature type. See Legendary.
Mana Source (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the type 「mana source.」 All mana source cards are now instant cards. Abilities that read 「Play this ability as a mana source」 are now mana abilities.
Mono Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「mono artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts that had activated abilities that included the tap symbol. Cards that were printed with the term 「mono artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Permanently (Obsolete)
Certain older cards were printed with the term 「permanently」 to indicate effects with no expiration. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「permanently」 now instead use reminder text to indicate that the effect lasts past the end of the turn.
Poly Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「poly artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts that had activated abilities that don』t include the tap symbol. Cards that were printed with the term 「poly artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Redirect (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「redirect」 to describe the act of dealing damage to a different player or creature than originally specified by a spell, ability, or combat-damage assignment, without changing the source or type of damage. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「redirect」 now create replacement effects that modify where the damage will be dealt. 「Redirect」 is still used informally to describe what these replacement effects do.
Successfully Cast (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「successfully cast.」 In general, any ability that』s written as triggering when a spell is 「successfully cast」 should be read as triggering when the spell is played.
Summon (Obsolete)
Older creature cards were printed with the type 「Summon [creature type].」 All 「Summon [creature type]」 cards should be read as 「Creature — [creature type].」
Total Casting Cost (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「total casting cost」 to describe the converted mana cost of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「total casting cost」 now use the term 「converted mana cost.」
Ante (Obsolete)
Earlier versions of the Magic rules included an ante rule as a way of playing 「for keeps.」 Playing Magic games for ante is now considered an optional variation on the game, and it is allowed only where it』s not forbidden by law or by other rules. Playing for ante is strictly forbidden under DCI tournament rules. When using the ante rule, each player puts one random card from his or her deck into his or her ante zone at the beginning of the game. At the end of the game, the winner becomes the owner of the cards in each player』s ante zone. See rule 217.9, 「Ante.」
Bury (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「bury,」 which meant to put a permanent into its owner』s graveyard. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「bury」 now read, 「Destroy [a permanent]. It can』t be regenerated.」
Cast (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「cast」 to describe the playing of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「cast」 now use the term 「play.」
Caster (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「caster」 to describe the player who played a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「caster」 now refer to the object』s 「controller.」
Casting Cost (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「casting cost」 to describe the mana cost of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「casting cost」 now use the term 「mana cost.」 Cards that used the term 「total casting cost」 now use the term 「converted mana cost.」
Continuous Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「continuous artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts without activated abilities. Cards that were printed with the term 「continuous artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Counts As (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with text stating that the card 「counts as」 something. As far as the game rules and other cards are concerned the card is that thing. (Newer Magic cards use 「is」 instead.
During (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the phrase 「during [phase], [action].」 These abilities were called 「phase abilities. In general, cards that were printed with phase abilities now have abilities that trigger at the beginning of a step or phase. 「During」 still appears in current card text, but only in its normal English sense and not as game terminology.
Interrupt (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「interrupt」 on the card』s type line. All interrupt cards are now instant cards. All abilities that were played as interrupts are now played like normal activated abilities (and are mana abilities if they produce mana).
Islandhome (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term islandhome, which means 「This creature can』t attack unless the defending player controls an Island」 and 「When you control no Islands, sacrifice this creature.」 Cards that previously had islandhome now simply have the two parts of islandhome written out without using the keyword.
Legend (Obsolete)
Many creature cards were printed with the creature type 「Legend.」 All of these cards have been given errata to have the legendary supertype. Legend is no longer a creature type. See Legendary.
Mana Source (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the type 「mana source.」 All mana source cards are now instant cards. Abilities that read 「Play this ability as a mana source」 are now mana abilities.
Mono Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「mono artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts that had activated abilities that included the tap symbol. Cards that were printed with the term 「mono artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Permanently (Obsolete)
Certain older cards were printed with the term 「permanently」 to indicate effects with no expiration. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「permanently」 now instead use reminder text to indicate that the effect lasts past the end of the turn.
Poly Artifact (Obsolete)
Some older cards used the term 「poly artifact」 on the card』s type line. They were artifacts that had activated abilities that don』t include the tap symbol. Cards that were printed with the term 「poly artifact」 now simply use 「artifact.」
Redirect (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「redirect」 to describe the act of dealing damage to a different player or creature than originally specified by a spell, ability, or combat-damage assignment, without changing the source or type of damage. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「redirect」 now create replacement effects that modify where the damage will be dealt. 「Redirect」 is still used informally to describe what these replacement effects do.
Successfully Cast (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「successfully cast.」 In general, any ability that』s written as triggering when a spell is 「successfully cast」 should be read as triggering when the spell is played.
Summon (Obsolete)
Older creature cards were printed with the type 「Summon [creature type].」 All 「Summon [creature type]」 cards should be read as 「Creature — [creature type].」
Total Casting Cost (Obsolete)
Some older cards were printed with the term 「total casting cost」 to describe the converted mana cost of a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term 「total casting cost」 now use the term 「converted mana cost.」