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版主: 瓜瓜勇者來臨

文章: 228
註冊時間: 2004-02-08 9:15 pm


文章 sengervampire »


From the Vault: Realms

Grove of the Burnwillows 焰柳樹叢 1100
Dryad Arbor 樹靈喬木 500
Maze of Ith 伊斯的迷宮 380
Glacial Chasm 冰河深峽 300
Forbidden Orchard 禁忌果園 200
Cephalid Coliseum 鱆人競技場 85
Murmuring Bosk 細語樹叢 85
High Market 最高市場 85
Shivan Gorge 西瓦峽谷 20

From the Vault: Legends

Captain Sisay 西賽船長 1500
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 無盡輪迴烏拉莫 650
Progenitus 祖神獸 450
Omnath, Locus of Mana 魔力核歐那斯 450
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker 裂鏡奇奇幾奇 380
Doran, the Siege Tower 攻城塔杜藍 320
Sun Quan, Lord of Wu 吳國君主孫權 220
Rafiq of the Many 千印萊非 220
Mikaeus, the Lunarch 月主教米凱耶 170
Oona, Queen of the Fae 仙兒女王歐娜 150
Visara the Dreadful 顫慄薇剎菈 120
Kresh the Bloodbraided 血辮奎許 120

From the Vault: Twenty

Jace, the Mind Sculptor 心靈塑師傑斯 2000
Gilded Lotus 金箔蓮花 500
Thran Dynamo 索藍發電機 300
Venser, Shaper Savant 塑形學者凡瑟 300
Fyndhorn Elves 范得賀恩妖精 220
Green Sun's Zenith 綠陽當空 220
Chainer's Edict 崔納的勒令 160
Tangle Wire 糾結纜線 160
Swords to Plowshares 化劍為犁 150
Dark Ritual 黑暗祭禮 140
Kessig Wolf Run 凱錫革狼棲地 100
Hymn to Tourach 妥拉克讚歌 80
Akroma's Vengeance 愛若瑪的復仇 65
Impulse 衝動 60
Fact or Fiction 真偽莫辨 50
Wall of Blossoms 花叢之牆 40
Cruel Ultimatum 殘酷通牒 30
Char 烤焦 25