Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:48:32 -0500
From: Jason Lemahieu <jason.lemahieu@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Magic Online Judge Open 2010
Greetings, Judges!
Last year, all certified judges with Magic Online accounts were able to
receive a Magic Online draft set as a way for Magic to say thanks for all
your hard work.
We wanted to do something similar in 2010. "Similar" - but WAY bigger, and
WAY better!
It is with much thanks to the Magic Online team that I present to you - the
Magic Online Judge Open 2010!
The Magic Online Judge Open (MOJO) is a free Magic Online sealed deck
tournament (Rise of the Eldrazi) open to all certified judges around the
World. Because of time zones and a desire to let as many judges play as
possible, it actually consists of two tournaments over consecutive
weekends. (Every judge is invited to the first one. Every judge who
doesn't participate in the first one is invited to the second.)
YOU! (and every other certified judge in the world, too)
June 26, 2010. 7am at GMT - 8 (US West Coast)
= June 26 @ 3pm GMT
July 2, 5pm at GMT - 8 (US West Coast)
= July 3 @ 1am GMT
Your house! (or wherever else you can find an internet connection)
- To thank you for all your efforts, both at tournaments and outside of
- To give you a day of Magic where you don't have to worry about giving, or
even getting, a single penalty
- And to give you a chance to spend some quality time with your peers and
make some new friends from around the globe
Prize Support
Just for playing, we'll make sure you get an alternate art promo Scent of
Cinder. This card, even in a non-promo version, won't actually be available
to the rest of MTGO until April 2011! To make it even better, it WILL be
legal in formats such as Classic/Legacy even before Urza's makes its
official online debut!
There are Magic Online booster pack prizes, based on player attendance, that
are consistent with the prize payouts of a typical Daily Event.
If you make Top 8, you'll also be rewarded with a Judge Art Orim's Chant!
This is a promo that will enter circulation shortly after the tournaments,
but you'll get to be the first 16 people to have them on Magic Online.
And if you're curious about what happens if you actually WIN one of these
two tournaments...
The winner of each tournament will be awarded travel sponsorship to judge
any Pro Tour (or Worlds) of their choice in the next year! You don't even
have to be L2+ to be eligible for this sponsorship, but you do need to be at
least 18. (Judges under 18 are welcome to play and win any of the other
fantastic prizes, but the legal department prevents us from providing minors
with travel. Sorry!)
And if you can't make it to either of the events, you'll be missed - but you
won't be missing out completely; if you don't compete in either event, but
have properly registered your Magic Online name, you'll still get 6 packs
deposited into your Magic Online account a few weeks after the event.
To be eligible to play, you MUST have your MTGO username listed with your
DCIF (http://dcifamily.org) account. (Click "Edit my profile" from the left
menu.) This must be done BEFORE June 12. If you've already entered it, you
might want to double check to make sure it's accurate.
Tips & Other Notes:
If you don't have a Magic Online account, it's not too late to sign up!
And if you haven't played Magic Online before, I'd suggest playing a few
games to make sure you get the hang of it.
Come game day, if you wanted to update your MTGO profile to list your name
and country/region, that'd be fun.

Be sure to join #mtgjudge on efnet, as there should be tons of other judges
there and it'll be a fun place to hang out in between rounds. (If you want
an easy web client, you can go to http://dcifamily.org/irc)
You can find the official MOJO thread here: http://tinyurl.com/mojo2010
Judge the game.
Play the game.
See the world.
- Lems